Sunday, December 18, 2011

Random Thoughts on Christmas

1.  I refuse to be offended if someone says, "Happy Holiday!" instead of, "Merry Christmas!"  Life's too  short, folks!

2.  I refuse to be offended if someone uses "Xmas" instead of "Christmas" because I understand the Greek origins of the X.

3.  "Jesus is the reason for the season" is a clever use of rhyming words, but I wonder about the theology of the statement.  I tend to believe that I'M the reason for the season.  After all, if it weren't for my sin and yours (for ALL have sinned) there would have been no reason for Him to come. Isaiah 53 makes that pretty clear!  Just saying!

4.  Jesus didn't ask us to remember His birth (although I don't think He minds that we do), but He did ask us to remember His death and resurrection.  Shouldn't we celebrate that at Christmas as well?

Just thinking out loud.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Dark Clouds

The last two years have been difficult for my family.   Sometimes it seems as if I have a little black cloud hovering over me!  I lost both of my parents.  I lost a job.  My husband has health issues and was unable to work for three months.  Medical bills have stacked up adding to financial stress.  I had one of the most difficult school years in my 30 years of teaching.  Sometimes God has seemed very far away! Okay, I'm done complaining!

We took a little day trip to southern Arizona a few weeks ago.  On the drive home, the sky turned gray and we anticipated a nice rainstorm.   Then the sun started to shine through the clouds.  It was beautiful!  The sun's rays shone through and the clouds were outlined in beautiful silver.  I was reminded of an old song that my Dad used to sing.  I could only remember two lines so I looked it up (isn't the internet grand?)

"Back of the Clouds"

Never fear tho' shadows dark around your path may fall;
Do not let your heart be troubled;
From His throne in heaven,
God is watching one and all,
He will ever care for you.

Back of the clouds the sun is always shining,
After the storms your skies will all be blue;
God has prepared a rosy-tinted lining,
Back of the clouds it's waiting to shine thru.
                                      Carolyn R. Freeman

God is not far away.  He has promised never to leave us or forsake us.  I choose to put my hope in Him, even when the way is dark.

"Why are you downcast, O my soul?  Why so disturbed within me?  Put your hope in God for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God."  Psalm 42:5

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Only One Life

"Only one life
         'twill soon be past
Only what's done
         for Christ
                will last."

"for to me to live is Christ."  Philippians 1:21

I don't know the origins of this quote, but it was one of my mom's favorites.  I came across it today and it brought back memories of one of our last conversations.  It's a good quote to remember;puts life into perspective.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spring in the Desert

My Star Jasmine are fragrant as well as beautiful!

The Iris were lovely as usual!

Mexican Primrose is spreading like crazy!

A rose is a rose is a rose!

Our desert is beautiful in the Spring! I'm reminded of the new life I have in Christ. God is good all the time!

Monday, March 28, 2011

From the mouths of babes!

I told my kinders the story of Jesus and the little boy with 5 loaves and 2 fish. Through this story I wanted my children to sense how great and powerful our God is. I said, "After everyone had eaten and were full, the disciples collected 12 baskets of food! Wow! God can do great things." Thinking they would recognize this as a "miracle" I asked, " What do we call this, boys and girls?" Their instant answer: "leftovers!"