Saturday, June 26, 2010

Soul Winning

I sometimes worry that I'm not doing enough to lead others to Christ. As a Children's Minister it's easy to say, "I'm planting seeds." That's true, of course, but does that exempt me from the Great Commission? Recently, I was reading Acts 8. It seems to me that this is a chapter about evangelism. The Good News was spreading. Phillip shared the gospel with the man from Ethiopia who confessed Christ and was baptized. God was adding to the church. When was the last time I shared the gospel with someone? When have I explained the scriptures more fully so that someone would come to know Christ? When did I last explain God's wonderful plan for redemption to someone lost in sin? There is a lost world out there. I tend to forget that. I bask in His mercy and grace without thought for those who don't know Him. I somehow don't think I'm alone in this! C.H.Spurgeon said, "If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. If they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one go there unwarned and unprayed for." The words to a song come to mind: "Lord, lay some soul upon my heart, and love that soul through me. And may I humbly do my part, to win that soul for thee." That is my prayer.


  1. What a great desire... to share Jesus with others. May the Lord bring many into your life that need to know our wonderful savior. He has so many creative ways to do this, too.


  2. Amen! We all need to share in your prayer.

  3. I often think about Ananias, one chapter later in Acts 9. He was the man who restored Saul's sight, out of obedience to God. Saul went on to become Paul, one of the greatest evangelists of all time, and authored much of the New Testament. Numbers don't nessesarily dictate our effectiveness in the Kingdom, and if you are working with children, you truly are planting seeds that will surely reap a harvest you might never see! God bless precious women like you, who write blogs like this and have a heart for God!

  4. it's my prayer be used by Him to reach others

  5. Dear sister, we all could do bettter for the kingdom of God. I have 2 teen kids and I see the world that they are growing up in. We need to pray and do more to help bring souls to Christ.

  6. I think this is something many struggle with. I know I do. I know you have a terrific influence over a lot of people, Jane. You are probably doing more for the kingdom than you realize. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.

  7. Wonderful, needed post. I feel we need more encouragement from the pulpit. Many churches have wonderful social programs but not much evangelism. People can be reached through social events but many times they seem to be just for the church.
